Tile-Based Untitled Game #2

This project was a sort of continuation of my other chunk-based grid project i created in MonoGame.

This one uses simplex noise combined with an ‘infinite’ chunk-based game grid. You can see where the chunks connect. There are 9 chunks in the grid and you start in the middle. If you move to an edge chunk, that chunk becomes the center and the chunks which are not immediately on the edge of it are erased and moved to become the new edges.

Combined with saving/loading the entities within a chunk, this means i could create massive procedurally generated persistent grids.

The 3 images show the difference between using different octaves with simplex noise (the leftmost image uses 8 octaves). I started work on generating cliffs (the orange outlines on the right image) but it’s going to take a different algorithm to properly generate cliff edges.

Here is some working on cliff generation, specifically marking the edges properly. To properly illustrate chunk boundaries, I made the chunk colors alternate between grey and white.

The top image is the initial cliff edge marking (any tan tile connected to a white tile becomes orange).

The second image shows the second pass where i convert all white tiles with 2 orange tile connections into an orange tile. This method actually gives worse results and causes large gaps between cliffs segments in different chunks.

The third image shows a tweaked version of the method used in the second. I am converting tan tiles to orange instead of white tiles to orange. It gives significantly more accurate results, still a few gaps to sort out though. I am missing a specific case related to chunk edges.

This simple method i am using works well. I originally used the marching squares algorithm to mark the edges of the tan blobs but it would have taken a lot of tweaking in order for it to give the proper results.